Food Technology is defined as the application of methods and techniques for the industrialization of food, from the selection of raw materials, preparation, storage, control, conservation, packaging, distribution, to the use and development of food products. Graduate Profile The graduate of the Food Technology Course plans, implements, executes and evaluates the processes related to the processing, industrialization and conservation of food and beverages. Manages food production and industrialization processes. It oversees the various phases of the food industrialization and development processes. Performs microbiological, biochemical, physicochemical, microscopic, sensory, toxicological and environmental analysis in food production. Coordinates food conservation and quality control programs. Manages equipment maintenance in the food processing industry. It develops, implements and executes optimization processes in the production and industrialization of food. Develops new products and research in the food area. Prepares and executes projects of economic feasibility and processing of foods. Survey, conducts expertise, evaluates, issues a report and technical opinion in their area of ​​training. In this way, the trained professional will be able to work in the industrialization of food, in the areas of Agricultural Raw Materials, Sugar Technology, Fish, Meat and Derivatives, Beverages, Cereals, Roots and Tubers, Fruits and Vegetables, Eggs and Honey, Milk and Derivatives and also Physical-Chemical and Microbiological Analysis of Foods, among others. Plans and executes Sensory Analysis of food; develops and implements Quality Systems such as: Good Food Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (APPCC), Safe Food Management Systems, Audits and Checklist. Develop and implement food packaging systems monitors food industry waste treatment systems; operates in the process area, determining the necessary measures to reduce costs and maximize quality in the industrialization of food. Conducts research and development in laboratories of food production units. Operates, monitors and controls industrial food production processes.

Telefone: (82)981408433

E-mail: camila.silva@ifal.edu.br

Título do Profissional: TECNÓLOGO EM ALIMENTOS Área de Conhecimento CNPQ: Ciências Exatas e da Terra Modalidade de Curso: Presencial
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